Thesewire pliers, known in Japan as "Yattoko", are designed specifically formanipulating Bonsai wire when applying and removing wire from trunksand branches. High carbon steel construction provides many years ofdurable use. 8168 is illustrated. #1168 Large Intermediate: 230mm #7168 Small Professional: 180mm #8168 "Joshy" Novice Grade 210mm
#1158/ #2168 & #3258 JIN & WIRE PLIERS
Thesepliers lend themselves equally as both wire pliers and jin tools. Theangled head of these pliers provides wider access for working withbonsai wire. Available in two sizes, with high carbon steelconstruction and one size in stainless steel.
#1158 Intermediate Grade: 8 1/2" overall length #2168 Small Professional: 7 1/4" overall length #3258 Small Master Grade: The stainless steel version of our Small #Professional #2168 - their small size lends themselves to working on small trees and wire. 3/4" jaws, 7 " overall length